Our Networking Events

Here is where you meet your network!

Your network is power! And therefore so incredibly important! One of the big ONE MISSION topics we focus on is the one of events and networking. We love to be able to exchange ideas with like-minded people, find common solutions and talk to the right people at the right events.

Here you will find our events, but also those of our partners, which we can warmly recommend to you. Have fun networking!


Event recap: Why the world needs more female entrepreneurs!

The Unit World Forums hosted by Unit Conference are a continual series of online events for pioneers, visionaries and community-builders from all over the world to exchange their ideas, share the latest industry developments and network with inspirational leaders, pioneers and patrons from across the globe.

Last year, Marlene had the chance to give a keynote on behalf of ONE MISSION on the topic of “Female Entrepreneurship” and “Why we need more female founders”. You can see the key note in the video below, enjoy!

For more details about the conference, have a look here or check out their LinkedIn profile.

You have an event recommendation we should draw attention to or want to join forces with the ONE MISSION event team? Let’s talk!